Psychological difficulties such as anxiety or depression can feel overwhelming, causing daily worry and difficulty with concentration and completing life tasks. Anxiety can include day-to-day struggles, as well as worry over future events. Did you know that anxiety and depression can manifest not only mentally, but also physically? Therapy can help to pinpoint sources of your mental health difficulties, how they might be affecting your daily life, and help you implement coping strategies and relaxation skills to fight back.
Completing therapy online allows you the flexibility in your schedule to engage in therapy without a commute, in the comfort and safety of your own environment.
Would you like to learn more about yourself and how your mental health impacts your behaviors and decision-making? Psychological assessment can help to determine underlying conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as personality factors which describe who you are as an individual. Using this information can help to navigate the world around you in more effective ways.
Assessment services including pre-surgical psychological evaluations required for bariatric surgery, GRS/SRS/GCS, and spinal cord stimulator surgery. Assessment includes documentation for your medical provider as needed.
Want to learn more about personality assessment and psychological health for a business or professional group?
Interested in learning how to set up your own therapy practice in the online environment?
Presentations and one-on-one consultations are provided for an hourly fee.
Dr. Fulcher currently accepts
Please contact for more information.
Are you ready to get on the path to a healthier you? Get in touch today to get started!
Painted Owl Psychology, LLC does not provide crisis services. If you or a loved ones has thoughts of harming his or her self or someone else please use one of the resources below, call 911, or take them to the nearest emergency room.
Current clients can access the online therapy portal at the following link. Please contact Dr. Fulcher if you experience difficulties or need to reset your password.